2024 Federal Transit Administration Buses & Bus Facilities Competitive Program Grant
Grant Application Executive Summary: “The City of Tucson and Sun Tran are requesting funding to replace two post bus lifts for 40-foot buses at the Sun Tran Northwest bus maintenance facility, located at 3920 North Sun Tran Boulevard, Tucson, AZ, 85705. The funding will also support enhancements across bus stops, including:
- Installing 80 shelters at currently unsheltered facilities along major corridors for extreme heat mitigation.
- Installing green infrastructure to promote sustainable treet shade canopy around bus stops and shelters through the Sun Tran system to deliver environmental, social, and economic benefits using the Equity Priority Index.
- Redeveloping bus stop signs to include braille, large print, wayfinding, and audible information. The additional upgrades enhance economic competitiveness and equity for all users.”
- The current lifts are nearing the end of their useful service lives and replacing the lifts will decrease maintenance-related expenditures related to the aging infrastructure.
Project Timeline
The following is a tentative timeline and outlines the key phases of the Buses and Bus Facilities Grant.
The yellow button represents our current phase in the grant project.

Aug. 2024 – Dec. 2024
Notification of Award and Completion of FTA Agreement
- Execute grant.
- Design and launch grant overview webpage.
- Refine bus stop enhancement budget based on pilot project.
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for bus stop enhancements (consultants and/or staff).
- Finalize site selection for bus stop enhancement.
Dec. 2024 – Feb. 2025
Administrative Tasks and procure procurement of bus stop amenities, landscaping and bus lifts
- Complete of final design for bus stop enhancements.
- Procurement of bus stop amenities, landscaping, and bus lifts.
- Create scope of work for each project and implement bidding process
- Contract out the work for each project

Feb. 2025 – Feb. 2026
Administrative Tasks and Procure Procurement of Bus stop Signage
- Public outreach focus group for accessible signage design (Sun Tran).
- Complete of final design for accessible signage (Sun Tran).
- Procurement of bus stop signage
- Create scope of work for each project and implement bidding process
- Contract out the work for each project
Feb. 2026 – Aug. 2026
Project Implementations
- Complete construction and installation.
- Inspect construction and installation sites.
The image serves as a preliminary example of a bus stop design; the actual stop may vary from what is depicted

Aug. 2026 – July 2027
FTA Project Closure
- Complete landscape establishment.
Key Project Components
1. Grant Administration
The first phase of implementing this grant award is Grant Administration. This includes expanding upon the plans presented in the grant application, fine-tuning project budgeting, and the completion of the National Environmental Policy Act review process for the bus stops.
2. Workforce and National Transit Institute (NTI) Training
This grant award requests that a portion of the funding be set aside to support workforce development, job quality, and wealth creation. Project staff will receive ongoing training throughout the grant cycle.
3. Replacement Bus Maintenance Lifts for Sun Tran Northwest Maintenance Facility
Project Manager(s): Brian C., Facilities Director ( brian.conte@tucsonaz.gov)
A. Procurement
B. Installation
4. Bus Stop Enhancements
Project Manager(s): Monica L., Urban Planner (monica.landgrave@tucsonaz.gov) and Mackenzi W., Sun Tran Bus Stop Program Coordinator (mackenzi.wintermoyer@tucsonaz.gov)

Site Selection Criteria for Bus Stops Enhancements
*The site selection for the use of this grant’s funding is limited by the grant application terms.
**All City of Tucson Wards will be represented in the selected bus stops.
- The bus stop enhancements listed in the grant application include only “currently unsheltered facilities along major corridors for extreme heat mitigation.” If a bus stop already has a shelter in place, that stop is eliminated from the selection pool.
- Sun Tran bus stops exist within the City of Tucson Public Right-of-Way and cannot cross into privately owned property. Bus stops that do not have enough space for the bus stop enhancements will be eliminated from the selection pool.
- Bus Stop Priority Score are used to identify which bus stops are the highest priority for new amenities and improvements. The score uses the Fiscal Year 2024 average daily boardings from each bus stop as the base score, that can be increased by the conditions listed below. A bus stop with a higher priority score will receive improvements before those with lower bus stop priority scores.
- Major Transfer Points receive a 50% increase OR Minor Transfer Points receive a 25% increase in priority score.
- Bus stops that are identified as disadvantaged by the following equity tools receive a 5% increase per tool in which they are identified up to a 25% equity-related increase in priority score. The following tools are used to identify areas of disadvantage:
- Justice40’s Climate and Economy Justice Screening Tool (CE-JST)
- U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer
- City of Tucson Equity Index
- American Forest’s Tree Equity Scores
- Sun Tran Title VI On Board Survey (Minority Route Designation)
- Bus Stops that are within a 1/4 mile walking distance of any Key Service Destinations (schools, grocery stores, hospitals, social services, etc.) receive a 20% increase in priority score.
5. Accessible Bus Stop Signage (2,200)
Project Manager(s): Cindy G., Director of Marketing and Communications (cindy.glysson@tucsonaz.gov)
A. Design (to include braille, large print, wayfinding, and audible information)
i. Public Outreach Focus Group
ii. Refine/Finalize Design