34th Annual All Soul’s Procession on Sunday, November 5, 2023.
November 3, 2023
The annual All Souls Procession Weekend returns for its 34th year tomorrow, Nov. 3, through Sunday, Nov. 5. Organized by Many Mouths One Stomach, the weekend of public events is meant to deepen connections with the community and lost loved ones. The main procession and ceremony will begin Sunday at 6 p.m. (gather starting at 4 p.m.) on Grande Avenue, south of Speedway Boulevard, turning east on Congress Street, then south onto Avenida del Convento toward the finale site. Those participating in the procession can access parking garages in the downtown area and ride the free Sun Link streetcar. The streetcar will be in service until 10:30 p.m. Those traveling through the area can expect delays and should watch for increased pedestrian presence. There are also several road closures, Sun Tran detours and extensions as well as Sun Link streetcar service.
Event website: https://allsoulsprocession.org/
Route Detours and service information for buses and the streetcar to/from the event
Sun Tran
Route 3 will be on detour from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. Stops from St. Mary’s/ I-10 to St. Mary’s/ Silverbell Rd. will be closed. Passengers can board at stops along Silverbell Road and Speedway Blvd. Bus will service all stops on detour.
Route 21 will be on detour from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. Stops on Congress/I-10 to Congress/Grande Ave., Westmoreland Ave., Fresno St. will not be serviced. Riders can board at Ronstadt Transit Center, Alameda St., Broadway Blvd., Silverbell Rd., Saint Mary’s Hospital, Speedway Blvd. Bus will service all stops on detour.
Route 22 will have an extension from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Pick up will be from 6th Ave. by Ronstadt Transit Center and drop off will be Speedway
Sun Link
Streetcar service will be available until 10:30 p.m. on Sunday.