Title VI & ADA
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
“No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
The City of Tucson, Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, and Sun Shuttle are committed to providing non-discriminatory service.
Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, and Sun Shuttle will also provide information in accessible formats and languages other than English and Spanish upon request. Advance notice is required in order to ensure availability. Direct accessibility requests to: Sun TranInfo@TucsonAZ.gov.
Any questions or comments regarding this plan should be directed to:
Davita Mueller
Title VI Coordinator
(520) 206-8825
Non-Discriminatory Service
Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, and Sun Shuttle operate programs without regard to race, color, and national origin; Customer complaints or requests for information about Title VI may be directed to Sun Tran Title VI Coordinator for Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, and Sun Shuttle via USPS mail, e-mail, web-site customer comment form, customer comment card and/or by telephone.
- Visit www.suntran.com and fill out a Customer Comment Form under Customer Services. Please complete the form, choosing Title VI from the dropdown menu.
- Call (520) 792-9222 and the phone attendant can take the complaint or assist in providing more information.
- Email to suntraninfo@tucsonaz.gov, please include Title VI complaint and/or question in your subject line.
- Sun Tran’s Mailing Address is Attn: Davita Mueller, Title VI Coordinator • 3920 N Sun Tran Blvd • Tucson, AZ 85705
Submit A Complaint
Any individual who feels they have experienced unlawful discrimination under Title VI can submit a complaint at no charge for Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, or Sun Shuttle. All complaints must be submitted within 180 calendar days of the alleged incident.
To access the complaint form, complete the online form, call customer service, visit Sun Tran’s main office, or download the fillable pdf (blue arrow button below):
To complete the online complaint form, please click here. Choose Title VI from the dropdown menu.
Or send a digital copy of the the complaint form via e-mail.
Call Customer Service for assistance with the form.
Additional information:
(520) 792-9222
TDD: (520) 628-1565
Please submit complaints or questions to:
By mail or in person
Sun Tran
Davita Mueller, Title VI Coordinator
3920 N. Sun Tran Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85705
Discrimination Complaint Guidelines
In order for Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Shuttle, or Sun Link to investigate a complaint filed, the following guidelines must be met:
- The issue must be one of discrimination, and specific criteria must be met in order to investigate the charge of harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation.
- It is necessary to show that persons of a particular group (race, color, national origin, including language proficiency, or income) have been treated in a different manner that has led to a refusal or restriction of using public transportation.
- The complaint must be filed within 180 calendar days from the date of the alleged discriminatory act.
- A complaint must include the complainants name, address, phone number, or other method of contacting the complainant
Once a Title VI Complaint has been received by phone, email, USPS mail, or any other means, the Title VI Coordinator will review it to determine which office has jurisdiction. The Title VI Coordinator has ten (10) business days to provide written acknowledgement of the complaint and if the complaint will be investigated by Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link or Sun Shuttle. If a complaint is incomplete, additional information will be requested, and the Complainant will have sixty (60) days to submit the required information. Failure to do so may be considered good cause for a determination to administratively close the case and not investigate. If the complainant no longer wishes to pursue a complaint, it can be administratively closed.
Sun Tran will determine its jurisdiction in pursuing the matter and if the complaint has sufficient merit to investigate. Upon review the General Manager (GM) of the affected service his/her authorized designee will respond to the person who made the complaint via email or USPS mail with one of two responses.
- If the decision is to not investigate the complaint, or if the complaint is determined to be without merit, the notification shall specifically state the reason for the decision within fifteen (15) working days of the complaint.
- If the complaint is investigated, a report including a summary of the allegations, interviews regarding the incident, and a finding with recommendations and proposed resolution where appropriate, including recommended disciplinary action, additional training, or other action will be submitted to the GM within sixty (60) days from receipt of the complaint.
If the investigation is delayed for any reason, the Title VI Coordinator will notify the appropriate individuals, and an extension will be requested.
If the Complainant is dissatisfied with Sun Tran‘s resolution of the complaint, he/she has the right to file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration, at FTA Office of Civil Rights, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Additionally, all complaints will be documented and included in Monthly Compliance Reports and recorded in the following Title VI Program per the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Guidelines.
How To Complete The Complaint Form
The following information is provided in an effort to assist you in the completion of the Title VI Complaint Form
- Complete all sections of the applicable complaint form and either print or type the complaint information. In completing the form, please provide clear and concise information when describing the alleged discriminatory practice(s) and/or act(s). Incomplete forms will be returned without further processing.
- The complaint form must be signed and dated, where indicated.
- Please submit the completed form to Sun Tran’s Office listed above. The complaint will be reviewed and a response will be mailed. Please note the review process may take several weeks.
- For additional information, contact the Customer Service Center at (520) 792-9222 (TDD: 628-1565).
Reports, Plans & Surveys
The documents below contain more detailed information about the City of Tucson’s Title VI Program for Sun Tran, Sun Van, and Sun Link, including the LEP plan. Please click here for the RTA Title VI Program for Sun Shuttle.
Discrimination Based On A Disability
If you feel you’ve been discriminated based on a disability or in a manner that is in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act or for any other reason, please complete and submit one of the following forms:
Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, and Sun Shuttle will also provide information in accessible formats and languages other than English and Spanish upon request. Advance notice is required in order to ensure availability. If accessible information is needed, please click here.
Click For ADA Policy
Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, and Sun Shuttle ADA Policy
The City of Tucson, Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, and Sun Shuttle are committed to providing non-discriminatory service*. If an individual feels he/she has been discriminated against or denied a reasonable modification, please see below to file a complaint.
Click here for our commitment to accessibility. All vehicles are accessible to persons with disabilities. Members of the ADA community have an opportunity to participate in the Sun Tran Accessible Rider Training (START). START is free rider training designed to help individuals with disabilities and seniors gain greater independence by learning how to ride the bus. More information on the START program is available by calling 206-8881.
Direct customer complaints or requests for information about ADA and/or Reasonable Modification can be made to Customer Service for Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, and Sun Shuttle via USPS mail, e-mail, web-site customer comment form, customer comment card and/or by telephone.
- Visit www.suntran.com and fill out a Customer Comment Form under Customer Services. Please complete the form, choosing ADA Complaint from the dropdown menu.
- Call 520-792-9222 and the phone attendant can take the complaint or assist in providing more information.
- Email to suntraninfo@tucsonaz.com , please include ADA complaint and/or question in your subject line.
- Sun Tran’s Mailing Address is Attn: ADA/Reasonable Accommodation • Customer Service • 3920 N Sun Tran Blvd • Tucson, AZ 85705
* This fulfills provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s implementing regulations at 49 CFR Parts 27, 37, 38, and 39.
Click For Reasonable Modification Policy
Per the Americans with Disabilities Act, regional transit providers who receive federal financial assistance are committed to responding to requests for reasonable modifications of their policies, practices, or procedures.
Riders may request a modification from an operator for example a passenger with diabetes or another medical condition requests to eat or drink aboard a vehicle in order to avoid adverse health consequences. The request should be granted, even though Sun Tran, Sun Shuttle, Sun Link, and Sun Van have a policy that prohibits eating or drinking while onboard the vehicle. Such as a person with diabetes whom needs to consume a small amount of juice in a closed container or a candy bar in order to maintain blood sugar level. Additionally, a request may be submitted to Customer Service prior to an event requesting written materials be printed in a large font size. These are only two examples of a modification that may be requested, please consider the guidelines below when requesting a reasonable modification with as much notice as possible in advance.
Requesting a Reasonable Modification
- Individuals requesting modifications shall describe what they need in order to use the service.
- Individuals requesting modifications are not required to use the term “reasonable modification” when making a request.
- Whenever feasible, requests for modifications shall be made in advance, before the transportation provider is expected to provide the modified service.
- When a modification is requested and it appears practicable, operators are required to decide if the modification should be provided immediately. Operators may consult with a supervisor or manager before deciding to grant or deny the request.
If an individual requests a modification of sub-recipient’s and/or contractor’s policies and practices the request may be denied only on one or more of the following grounds:
- Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of the entity’s services, programs, or activities;
- Granting the request would create a direct threat to the health or safety of others;
- Without the requested modification, the individual with a disability is able to fully use the entity’s services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose.
An individual, who has requested a reasonable modification of a transit entity’s policies, practices, or procedures and has been denied, may file a complaint.
Individuals who do not have access to a computer can call Sun Tran’s Customer Service Center at 792-9222, request an “ADA Reasonable Modification Complaint Form,” and have one sent to them via U.S. Mail.
Notice: The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) / Leyes de Derechos de Discapacitados (Español) and Reasonable Modification / Modificación Razonable (Español)forms contain the address, telephone number, and e-mail address pursuant to any questions regarding an ADA or Reasonable Modification Complaint.
Click For Ways To Submit A Request or Complaint
Any individual who feels they have experienced unlawful discrimination under ADA can submit an ADA or Reasonable Modification request or complaint at no charge for Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, or Sun Shuttle. All complaints must be submitted in person or by mail within 180 calendar days of the alleged incident.
To access the request or complaint form, complete the online form, call customer service, visit Sun Tran’s main office, or download the fillable pdf (blue arrow buttons below):
To complete the online complaint form, please click here. Choose ADA Complaint, Reasonable Modification Request or Reasonable Modification Complaint from the dropdown menu.
Or send a digital copy of the the complaint form via e-mail.
Call Customer Service for assistance with the form.
Call for additional information:
(520) 792-9222
TDD: (520) 628-1565
By mail or in person:
Sun Tran
Customer Service
3920 N. Sun Tran Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85705
Click For Complaint Guidelines
In order for Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Shuttle, or Sun Link to investigate a complaint filed, the following guidelines must be met:
- The issue must be one of discrimination, and specific criteria must be met in order to investigate the charge of harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation.
- The complaint must be filed within 180 calendar days from the date of the alleged discriminatory act.
- A complaint must include the complainants name, address, phone number, or other method of contacting the complainant
Once an ADA or Reasonable Modification Complaint has been received by phone, email, USPS mail, or any other means, the complaint investigator has 10 working days to review. A report will be provided to the General Manager (GM) of the affected service or his/her, authorized designee. The GM will respond to the person who made the complaint via email or USPS mail.
If the Complainant is dissatisfied with Sun Tran‘s resolution of the complaint, he/she has the right to file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration, at FTA Office of Civil Rights, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Additionally, all complaints will be documented and included in Monthly Compliance Reports.
Click For How To Complete the Form
- Complete all sections of the applicable complaint form and either print or type the complaint information. In completing the form, please provide clear and concise information when describing the alleged discriminatory practice(s) and/or act(s). Incomplete forms will be returned without further processing.
- The complaint form must be signed and dated, where indicated.
- Please submit the completed form to Sun Tran’s Office listed above. The complaint will be reviewed and a response will be mailed. Please note the review process may take several weeks.
- For additional information, contact the Customer Service Center at (520) 792-9222 (TDD: 628-1565).
Click For Other Discrimination Complaints
If you feel you’ve been discriminated in any other manner, please submit:
For help with this form, call Customer Service: (520) 792-9222 or visit the Title VI tab at the top of this screen.